Photo Books

Understanding with your hands, a different view on child and creativity

ISBN 978 90 368 1225 2. Publisher Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, Springer Media. Photography Sabine Plamper. Text Annet Weterings & Sabine Plamper. Dutch title: ‘Begrijpen met je handen’.

Available at bookshops for the regular price of € 28,95. At readings and trainings, the book is on sale for special price. To order here for 25% discount with coupon code C0012326.

Watch Us! -Youth in Foster Families

2001, published in honour of the 12th International Foster Care Organisation (IFCO)-conference. Text by Mirte Loeffen and Photography by Sabine Plamper. The book shows black & white portraits of children who do not live with their parents. The photographs in this book were taken in 2000 at the Youth in Foster Care summer camp in the Netherlands. The book is a unique document which brings foster children into the spotlight and gives them a voice to tell their story.


Figures, Staged Photography

ISBN 978 90 72216 84 7, 2006, Publisher Focus Media. Photography Sabine Plamper.
Available at bookshops and to order

The world in our street

ISBN 978 90 6611 617 7, 2008, Publisher Inmerc B.V. Photography Sabine  Plamper & Rogier Alleblas. Dutch title: ‘De Wereld in een Straat’

Available at bookshops and to order here.